A Brief Overview of My Noise Projects

Angel Brügger: Self titled releases are largely conceptual albums and noise experiments. Basically anything I don't think fits into any greater framework.

Workerbee (2023-2024): My first noise project. Was largely an exploration of my faith and my depression, and how the two interfere with the other. Began to feel distant from this project with time, and like I was just saying the same thing again and again. Decided to retire this project.

Muybridge: Ambient noise walls inspired by the motion study photography of Eadweard Muybridge, the inventor of the zoopraxiscope and the godfather to documentarian cinema. I recommend staring at each plate that corresponds to my albums when listening.

Kept Woman: Wall-oriented meditations on female suffering in its many forms. Each release dedicated to the women involved in bringing characters to life and no doubt bringing their own experiences to their work and performances.

Beholden: Drone/ambient inspired noise music. Each release meant to be a sentimental confession to someone or something.

Narehate: Current primary project. Depressive noise wall inspired by the characters of Akihito Tsukushi's manga Made in Abyss.

Today Isn't the Day: Harsh noise project, combination of my analog sessions and cut up DAW sessions. Unsure when I'll continue this one.